Hey, I'm Jodi

I went from looking 9 months pregnant to a flat stomach
after 19 years of severe digestive issues!

(that's me in the background in the bikini)

Discover How To Stop Digestive Issues And Stress In One Minute, Even If You've Tried Everything... (Instant Access Below)

So many women say to me... I don't feel like myself anymore. 

They lack energy; they walk in the closet wondering what will fit that day; they’re embarrassed about how their belly looks. They look in the mirror and think, who is this person?

If you wonder, can this actually change? 

The answer is YES! 

You CAN get yourself back and have a flat stomach. I did, and you can too!

A little bit about me and how that happened...

Much of my adult life has been spent studying and teaching health and self-development. Since age 22. Seriously! It’s such a passion of mine, for hours a day. That’s enabled me to know how to heal my body in so many ways and support you!

It wasn’t bad enough that I looked 8 months pregnant, there also was a lot of pain, embarrassment and let’s not forget about the bathroom time.

Oh, did I mention, the accidents? No, I don’t want to share that. Way too embarrassing.

After trying everything under the sun to get better for years and years, when no Dr. could ever help me, I discovered the missing link that no one ever tells you about!

Listen, I know what it’s like to walk in the closet and not know what’s going to fit you that day.

I know what it’s like to be in pain from all the gas in your stomach and the embarrassment of how you look.

I know what it’s like to have no metabolism and gain 10 pounds in 4 days and you barely have eaten anything.

I also know exactly what it takes to have a flat stomach and healthy digestion again.

And I can help you eliminate your chronic bloat once and for all! Or other chronic health issue you may have. What I do goes deep; to the root of the issue. Not just the surface, because you want permanent results.

Imagine having a flat stomach, feeling light and full of energy and you walk in your closet knowing everything will fit! How would that change your life?

I have an MBA, I am a Speaker, Author, Publisher, University Professor, Energy Healer, Reiki Master, Light Language Healer and a Certified Health and Body Transformational Coach.

             "It was clear to me early on that Jodi was there for me 100%. I got much more value than I could have imagined..."

cannot say enough about my coaching experience with Jodi. She is the perfect combination of compassionate and professional. Words that come to mind when thinking of Jodi are: kindness, wisdom, honesty and responsiveness. She did whatever it took to help me move forward in my health and life. I've had several therapists and coaches and none covered the depth and breadth of the issues that kept me stuck. Jodi met me where I was without judgment.

  ~jennie whittaker    ceo at Train with jennie

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