Here are a couple of facts about stress:

With stress, you cannibalize your muscle and bone tissue to get high quality protein to use as raw components to produce hormones, enzymes, antibodies and white blood cells.

The problem created by today’s living:

Chronic relentless stresses can deplete the levels of endorphin. This has been shown to aggravate migraines, backaches and even the pains of arthritis. Stress works great hardships on the levels the body can maintain.

Stress changes the body’s metabolism:

1. The metabolism changes because we activate the adrenal gland as stress affects us
2. We then change the nutritional demand of the body as the metabolic process changes how the body functions
3. Our daily diet will have a difficult time supplying the ratio of nutritional demands as it rises and falls as the body reacts to the stress
4. Cholesterol is added to the blood-stream in a stress reaction
5. Our demand for a complete bio-active protein increases – to help with the rebuilding process. Most diets do not contain complete protein
6. Sugar levels are altered and in most individuals go up. Sugar needs to be utilized and blood sugar levels need to be maintained
7. Calcium demands increase by as much as 2 times
8. Vitamin A levels begin to drop in relation to the length of the stress reaction


Life is not always easy, but try and create a habit of having an uncomplicated approach to life and this will make most things work better. It’s not worth hurting our bodies over. Here are some ideas:

Clutter can cause stress in your life without you even knowing it. I found a great website where you can take clutter out of your life one step at a time to create peace in your life.

Take a walk or do vigorous exercise. Exercise really helps me to feel good and less stressed. Click here to view stretching exercises to reduce muscle tension

Be gentle with yourself. I know when I don’t get as much done as I would like, it can be stressful. I’ve learned to realize I’ll never get it all done and I’ll never get caught up. What would I do if I did? Seriously, be at peace with the fact that there will always be stuff to do. What’s really important anyway – getting those dishes done or spending time playing with your kids or enjoying yourself with other things you like to do? Sometimes we need to spend that time just playing and having fun!

No one ever went to their grave saying ‘I wish I had worked harder’. It is more likely to be ‘I wish I spent more time with my loved ones or doing things I enjoy’