It’s Jodi here… I want to let you know I was once where you are now…

I was stressed out, constantly running and in “do” mode because I thought I had to “try” harder to get where I wanted to be in my life financially so I could have more freedom.

I wasn’t taking care of my emotional self and I realized that I’ve never really taken good care of myself emotionally, the way I needed to. I actually really neglected that part of me. And it left me all over the place, no focus, spinning my wheels, not getting anywhere.

Now… my health has always been a priority in my life.  I take really good care of my physical body by eating well, taking great supplements and exercising regularly.  I’ve always lived that way my whole life.

But valuing myself and taking time for myself, that I did not do. And it hit me pretty hard. I had thought I did EVERYTHING in my power to take care of my health. Boy… I couldn’t have been more wrong. I was blind to the fact that there was more I could do and it was hidden from my view. It’s hard to see your own stuff when you are in the middle of it.

Are you in a situation that plagues you now?

…you find yourself with not enough time to get it all done, you’re spinning your wheels and you don’t seem to be getting anywhere?

You don’t have to be stuck where you are!

You have to start with the first step…taking care of YOU!

It all starts by watching the video below:

And I promise you, it gets better and better.

And remember to always have fun!



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